Treasure Chest

Syd’s Trainer Treasure Chest

Take a dive into our Trainer Treasure Chest and feel free to use these resources on your training courses. (Check the terms and conditions)

It’s new … but keep watching as we will keep on adding more free resources to help you be an amazing trainer.

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Some of the activities we offer free or for purchase, relate to areas of human resources management, management behaviours and people behaviour. Syd Strike Limited does not accept responsibility for any actions or decisions made based on the content of these activities and any supporting notes. We recommend that you always seek appropriate advice before taking action or making decisions on specific cases.

Some of the activities we offer free or for purchase, involve gentle physical activity. It is the responsibility of the user of the resources to make sure that appropriate risk assessments are applied. Syd Strike Limited will not accept liability for any injury or material damage of any nature caused during the delivery of activities performed.

Images used in all of resources are purchased on licence and may not be reproduced, used or sold



“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”

George Bernard Shaw

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