Hybrid Training
Flexible and Blended Training
Unique and Exciting training delivered on site, offsite and remotely

All the benefits of group training, one to one coaching, learning through discussion, reflection, self-learning and interactive learning activities.

FlexiBlend, our unique approach to flexible learning incorporates a variety of online tools and remote learning, blended with traditional group learning approaches to provide delegates with …

  • Practical help, tips and ideas to improve their skills
  • Opportunity to engage with colleagues and share experiences
  • Group and individual coaching opportunities remotely, in the workplace or offsite
  • Individual, interactive, on-line and remote learning activities
  • Engaging and interactive case studies
  • Self-learning projects for groups and individuals
  • Some delegates learning together in the training room and others learning together remotely
  • Full day sessions and short ‘Golden Nugget’ sessions

This new and exciting approach to training is the way forward to help you adapt to a changing world of work. And this approach to training offers delegates the freedom to choose different learning approaches that will serve the needs of their preferred learning style, so great whether  you prefer  the Activist, Theorist, Reflector or Pragmatist  style or more likely a mixture of these. (Honey and Mumford Learning Styles)

For Training Managers

For Training Managers and Human Resources Managers who are forward looking this approach to training means you can break free from restricted on line training and remote learning, and continue with your development programmes offering your staff exciting, practical, work related training that incorporates a wide range of training tools, methods, activities and delivery platforms.  And FlexiBlend training will make a difference to your people, to motivation and performance.

Delegates will find the training both practical and inspirational.

See quick results and give your team members help now. It’s what good managers do …

The right help at the right time with flexible and blended learning

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“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”

George Bernard Shaw

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