Flexible and Blended Training
Unique and Exciting training delivered remotely

Keep training during Social Distancing

During these times where group training cannot be delivered…

Managing Remotely – Helping managers to be effective when team members work remotely, whether this be in remote locations or home working. Managers learn how to work with team members in goal setting, how to manage and measure performance and success, effective communication and motivation. – Developing flexibility in management

Remember we can offer remote learning through webinars, one to one telephone coaching and support linked to supported, self-learning projects, and a blend of all of these as well as other traditional distance learning programmes.

Please look at what we can offer …

Remote Learning topics may include …

Resilience for Managers – Helping managers be resilient through change, uncertainty and pressure – Linked to Mental Toughness – Keep your managers resilient and positive

Home Working – Helping people be organised and effective when required to work from home … covering elements of time management, self-discipline, managing distractions, positivity and well-being - how to be effective as a home worker – Making home working effective

Business Case Writing – Managers often ask for additional resources but don’t know how to present a business case - This packages sets out the ‘how to’ and offers support and ideas – Help your managers to help you

Report Writing – Some of the key principles, structures, techniques and rules of effective report writing – Present a more professional image and be more persuasive

Strategic Management – For managers who need to be strategic and managers who need to understand the principles of strategic management that determine why key decisions are made at the top - Create understanding, unity and professionalism in your management team

Conflict Management – How to manage difficult conversations, be assertive, correct and instruct, deal with bad behaviour and create harmony in the team – Develop managers in emotional intelligence and people skills – Free up time for managing the business

Assertiveness – Learn how to speak your mind, deal with inappropriate behaviour and gain respect and support from the people who with you and for you – Create harmony and team working in your organisation

New Managers – No need to wait until you can you begin group training again – give your new managers support now – Avoid mistakes and keep team morale high

New Supervisors and Team leaders – No need to throw them in at the deep end - few hours introduction to the role will give them skills, confidence and an abundance of tools to get them started on their journey Release the potential of your supervisors and team leaders

All these topics can be tailored to your individuals or group using an appropriate blend of group by webinar, skype and telephone coaching, supported self-learning activities and more …

Other topics we can cover …

Please tell us if there are other ways we can help you or if you wish to contact us about anything above.


For more information, please contact Christina on 01642 760028

Or call Syd direct on 07966 486546

Or email info@sydstrike.co.uk

Or Contact us online



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