Designing and Delivering Amazing Remote Training Sessions

Engaging and Practical Training for your Managers and Team Members

Delivered remotely with FlexiBlend 


21st Century training needs to be a fine blend of remote, on site and off site group training as well as on line training and one to one coaching. This is our FlexiBlend approach to training.


Enjoy the benefits …

  • Skilled trainers who can develop skills, motivation and changed behaviour in your organisation or company resulting in …
  • Increased performance and profit
  • Increased morale and engagement
  • Reduce waste of time and resources by equipping employees to be skilled, positive and resourceful
  • Compliance standards are achieved
  • Cost reductions through more efficient techniques, reduced travel and hotel expenses
  • Tailor the training to your needs to cater for time, location, people and cost


What will your trainers learn??

Trainers learn how to …

  • Design remote training courses that are engaging, varied, and result in improved skills, motivation and behaviour back in the workplace
  • Create activities where delegates work as remote teams, simulating present day remote working situations
  • Adapt existing courses and activities to be delivered remotely
  • Operate remote platforms skillfully to deliver engaging remote learning
  • Design and create inexpensive videos to support remote learning
  • Tips and ideas to become an amazing trainer who adds value to your company or organisation

And we will give your trainers a library of training activities to use back at work

Book a course for your trainers

Or Ask us about one to one session for your trainers

We can tailor the content to your requirements and deliver the training remotely with our FlexiBlend training programme

“ A very good course with lots of practical elements which was good for practising the new skills. It was good that everybody was given opportunity to deliver a training session”
(Feedback from a recent train the trainer course)


Read our Latest Ebulletin:

Request a Quote/Callback Watch How to be an Amazing Trainer Read the Blog

Call us now on
01642 760028



Or contact Syd direct on 07966 486546

Our clients tell us that delegates leave our training courses and coaching sessions, with new skills and an abundance of enthusiasm to apply the learning at work immediately, turning underachieving managers into achievers and people motivators, and changing negative and underperforming teams into enthusiastic supporters.


Syd Strike Training Solutions






“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”

George Bernard Shaw

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