How organised are you?

Test your Time Management Ability

Use the following questionnaire and receive an immediate score. Answer the questions as best you can applied to your working circumstances.

If there is not an obvious answer because the question doesn’t seem to apply to you, make the best judgment of how you would behave if the question was applicable:

  Always Mostly Sometimes Rarely Never
1. I work with a tidy desk and know where everything is
2. When I open my mail or email I am able to deal with it immediately and return to an empty desk
3. When I take a telephone message I am confident that I will not lose the notes
4. When I take a telephone call I prioritise its urgency and record it in my time management system
5. I get all important work completed daily
6. I am always able to locate documents and e documents that I need to work on
7. I have an effective system for prioritising
8. I don’t waste time looking for information and documents as my filing system is in good shape
9. I don’t allow time stealers to waste my time
10. I leave meetings that I attend feeling the meeting was worthwhile and not a waste of my time
11. I achieve deadlines





“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”

George Bernard Shaw

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