Are you a positive thinker?

Answer the following questions to find out and give yourself a score for each question.

All of the time = 4, Usually = 3, Rarely = 2, Never = 1

1.       Do you believe that thinking positively can improve bad situations? Response Missing.Invalid format.Invalid .Invalid.

2.       Are you able to easily identify opportunities in every difficult situation? Response Missing.Invalid format.Invalid .Invalid.

3.       Would you describe yourself as an optimist? Response Missing.Invalid format.Invalid .Invalid.

4.       Do you tend to speak positively even when you face difficult situations? Response Missing.Invalid format.Invalid .Invalid.

5.       Do you think more about your strengths than your weaknesses? Response Missing.Invalid format.Invalid .Invalid.

6.       Do you have a ‘can do’ attitude? Response Missing.Invalid format.Invalid .Invalid.

7.       When thinking through problems do you focus on solutions more than you focus on the consequences of the problem? Response Missing.Invalid format.Invalid .Invalid.

8.       Do you enjoy mixing with ‘positive’ people? Response Missing.Invalid format.Invalid .Invalid.

9.       Do you believe that completing questionnaires like this can help you become more positive? Response Missing.Invalid format.Invalid .Invalid.

10.   Do you want to be a positive thinker? Response Missing.Invalid format.Invalid .Invalid.




“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”

George Bernard Shaw

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