Important information for newly appointed managers

"Thrown in at the deep end"

That’s what most new managers say when they refer to experiences of their early days in management.  Very often the lack of basic information at the appointment stage results in costly mistakes, and stressed and disillusioned managers. 

Some of the comments we hear:

  • Didn’t know we had a smoking policy
  • Nobody explained my responsibility with regard to induction of new starters
  • I thought Personnel did that!
  • I’ve never been a manager before – Where am I supposed to start?
  • What is the situation with regard to time off work for my staff?

Send your newly appointed managers on a half day seminar entitled:

“Swimming in the Deep End”

And they will return to work equipped to get organised and become efficient in managing effectively and professionally.  They will return to work buzzing with ideas and enthusiasm that when applied will make an incredible difference to the motivation and performance of your teams.

Our trainers have years of experience in the ‘people’ industry and have helped numerous individuals to appreciate their potential.  We have worked alongside several companies helping them overcome motivational and performance issues.

What they will learn:

  • Why induction is vital and how to ensure new starters get the best
  • The role of the manager with regard to health and safety
  • How to start well by gaining acceptance and stating standards
  • Understanding welfare issues
  • How to deal with employees with regard to holidays, mobile phones, time off and many other issues that make a difference to staff motivation
  • How to use the probationary period effectively, keeping records, liaising with HR etc
  • Company policies
  • Performance management
  • Motivation
  • Staff development
  • Where to start with understanding employment legislation
  • Building relationships with stakeholders
  • Consultation

Everything the new manager needs to give him or her real confidence and ensure that all of the important activities take place.

And everyone who attends the seminar will receive a self learning leadership cd rom free of charge.

The benefits

  • Your new managers will have the information they need to work professionally
  • Managers will know how to work in partnership with all stakeholders including management, human resources staff, employees, external bodies and representatives
  • The ultimate affect will be upon team motivation and therefore ultimately on results and profitability

 Click here to request further information on this course

 For more information, please contact Christina on 01642 760028

Or call Syd direct on 07966 486546

Or email



“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”

George Bernard Shaw

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