Management Training course

Managing out of the comfort zone

This is an extremely powerful self awareness course where you will participate in management activities and self awareness activities to learn about your management behaviour and the effect you have upon your team. This module is driven by facilitation and is designed to create more questions than answers. You will leave this course with a desire to learn more and to make some immediate changes in the workplace.

Six good reasons for taking this programme:

1. This is a unique programme that is tailored to every individual delegate so you have the opportunity to interact with and learn from colleagues and other delegates whilst at the same time following a programme that matches your needs and requirements
2. You will receive support and coaching throughout the programme including when you are back at work
3. You will make the changes to your leadership style that you truly wish to make and you will therefore be able to be more effective in your management role
4. This programme will be career enhancing – people will notice the difference in your management and leadership style
5. You will be able to apply the principles you learn to your direct reports giving you added value
6. Performance and team motivation will rise resulting in improvement to company performance

What you will learn:

You will begin to learn about yourself, your management style, your emotional intelligence, what makes you want to be a manager and how to be the person or manager you want to be.
Focussed leadership – trainer input and discussion where you will focus on situations at work (maintaining appropriate confidentiality).
Managing where it matters – how to make you mark for your company and for yourself.
Emotional intelligence – competencies – case studies – practical application

What the programme covers

There are several options ranging from a short awareness session to a three day programme with pre and post course support.

Stage One – Pre course work

Initial one to one discussion with your trainer where you decide your learning objectives.
You will complete a management style questionnaire and receive feedback before you join the course so that you can focus even more on your learning outcomes.
Discuss your present management style with your trainer.

Stage Two – Training programme example (one to two days as required)

Leadership activity – out of the comfort zone.
Review leadership activity and identify strengths and weakness.
Link learning from the review session to what you learned during your pre course questionnaire and trainer discussion.
Leadership activity – making good decisions.
Review leadership activity and reflect on your leadership behaviour.
What makes a good leader? – exploration, discussion and some case studies.
Personal assessment and action planning – at this stage you will plan your mid course action and you will have a range of activities to choose from including 360 degree feedback, conducting management style questionnaires, interviewing staff and managers using structure provided by your trainer, as well as the opportunity to use new techniques and behaviours back at work.

Stage Three – Mid course work

Mid course work including team and manager feedback – you choose the medium e.g. 360 degree feedback, questionnaires, interviews etc.
Trainer support available during this stage.

Stage Four – Final Training Day (optional)

Reviewing progress – reviewing success and problems encountered during the mid course period – trainer input and support – delegate support.
Focussed leadership – trainer input and discussion where you will focus on situations at work (maintaining appropriate confidentiality).
Managing where it matters – how to make you mark for your company and for yourself.
Emotional intelligence – competencies – case studies – practical application.
Action planning.

Stage Five – Post course support

Post course support from trainers.

This training programme is definitely different

You know what it is like. You attend a management training course and you enjoy it, learn a little and take away some new ideas. But somehow you are still left feeling empty. There must be more. This is quite common and there is a reason for this. To truly change you must be truly stretched. This applies to you the manager and to your team. To be stretched you need to be taken out of your comfort zone. How many training courses do this? Well this one does. And the course is tailored to each individual delegate.

This management training course gives you the opportunity to learn about yourself, explore your leadership style, participate in activities that will take you out of your comfort zone and help you assess your leadership behaviour and the effect you have on your team and on your job. You will be given support and coaching to help you learn and apply new skills as well as ‘on the job’ support.

About your trainers

Your chosen trainer will have years of experience in delivering management training and executive coaching as well as being accredited to administer and interpret personality tests. He or she will have real experience in management and appropriate qualifications.

Who should attend?

You should attend if you are a manager who genuinely wants to improve your style, make a difference in your organisation and be one step ahead of your contemporaries. If you have a real passion to succeed and want to manage people well  then this course is for you.

How do I apply?

To apply please register your interest in the first instance and we will arrange your place on the next available programme. Alternatively, please contact us if you would like us to deliver you a bespoke programme for your company.

Check out what previous delegates have said:

“Excellent course – took me out of my comfort zone but well worth it”
“A much more practical forum than other courses”
“The course covered topics as they arose and was comprehensive in nature. Practical elements enabled me to understand how a team functions and the issues that can affect that.”
“Through attending this course I have gained a better understanding of people management”
“The focus on empathy came across to me and to act immediately – don’t sit on a problem”.
“The trainer made the course enjoyable and interactive, not just a paper exercise”
“I am now more confident to act immediately on difficult issues and be aware of my responses”
“Back at work the course helped me deal empathetically but firmly with a long term absence”
“Thinking more about how I react to my team members has improved and my management skills have improved”
“Through participating in the course I gained many techniques in dealing with difficult situations as a manager and avoiding unnecessary conflict”

“I’ve definitely been giving more positive feedback which has already provided positive results and improved team morale”


Bespoke Training Courses

The above course outline is provided as a sample. We tailor all our courses to suit your company's individual needs

Click here to request further information on this course

 For more information, please contact Christina on 01642 760028

Or call Syd direct on 07966 486546

Or email





“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”

George Bernard Shaw

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