Management Academy

Do you want your managers to attend training courses or do you want them to get results?

The Syd Strike Management Academy offers personal support. You have a personal coach and mentor and we work with you over a set period to help you achieve real performance and motivation results where you work. Your programme is designed to meet your exact needs.

If you are a senior manager and you are keen to get impressive results and improve your career prospects, and you find that sending your people on management courses don’t seem to work for you, then you may benefit from joining the Syd Strike Management Academy.

No doubt you will be very aware that sending managers on courses is not always solution to a manger’s performance issues.

However, our customers know that investing wisely in people development during the difficult times is the only wise action to take. Consider the following:

•  Two thirds of employees do not trust their senior management
•  Senior managers are not always the cause of poor performance … but need to provide the answers
•  Middle and junior managers are often responsible for low morale
•  Low morale in turn creates bad climate and standards drop
•  The results are manifested in mistakes, poor customer service, drop in performance and reduced profits
•  The rot sets in and it becomes difficult to gain control

It especially difficult to stop the rot because when mistrust is present, staff feel that they cannot trust management, nor HR or trainers who try to raise morale.

That’s where we have been able to make a difference. We don’t just offer training, we provide solutions for our customers. These solutions are tailored to your needs and include quick wins as well as long term solutions.

Training is often the right tool, but not always. You will already appreciate that many managers attend good management development courses and then go back to work and continue doing what they have always done.

The Syd Strike Management Academy offers personal support. You have a personal coach and mentor and we work with you over a set period to help you achieve real performance and motivation results where you work. Your programme is designed to meet your exact needs.

Read some of our success stories here


"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Albert Einstein

Don’t be insane. Do something different and do it now!

Click here to discuss your personal options

For more information, please contact Christina on 01642 760028

Or call Syd direct on 07966 486546

Or email


“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”

George Bernard Shaw

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