Management Development programmes
Delivered with FlexiBlend
(Flexible Training and Blended Learning)

All the benefits of group training, one to one coaching, learning through discussion, reflection, self-learning, and interactive learning activities…

It’s much more than traditional Remote Learning…

Using a variety of online tools blended with traditional group learning approaches to provide delegates with …

  • Practical help, tips and ideas to improve their skills
  • Opportunity to engage with colleagues and share experiences
  • Group and individual coaching opportunities with break out group activities
  • Individual, interactive, on-line learning activities
  • Engaging and interactive case studies
  • Self-learning projects

All our management modules may be tailored with a blend of group remote learning, individual remote learning, online activities, one to one coaching and on or offsite group training sessions. We deliver management and leadership sessions using alternative tools as you require and offer individuals different tools to suit their preference.

We also adapt the content to your specific requirements so that your managers will be exploring situations and issues that are similar, related or specific to your organisation.

We design modules to allow delegates to work in their own time, in any location, as individuals or as a group depending on your needs and preferences. Our flexible approach means that delegates may …

  • Work as individuals
  • Work with peers – others in your organisation with training tailored to your organisations
  • Work with people from other organisations and discover new perspectives

All our leadership and management modules are available with FlexiBlend and others may not appear on the samples we show on the web.

And as well as our management modules your managers and supervisors may also benefit from our range of skills and motivation training packages, or executive coaching, also available with FlexiBlend.



Live your own life
Do what you know is right. Sometimes the pressures of society, work and the need to be accepted can flaw our judgement. Do the right thing.

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