Advanced Train the Trainer

Especially designed for:

Experienced training professionals who want to build on their existing skills, develop and enhance their delivery and facilitation skills and ensure that ‘in company’ training produces observable results that make a difference to company profitability. 

Especially designed to:

Help existing trainers to improve their skills by helping them to create a healthy learning environment, know how to engage all delegates including the ‘unwilling’, learn advanced skills and techniques and understand why and how people learn.   

Invest in your in company trainers now and ensure that transfer of learning to work by highly motivated teams is not just a 'wish' but a reality.

Our range of advanced train the trainer courses include the following options:

  • Three day advanced trainer workshop with opportunity to learn and practise new skills
  • One day advanced trainer course to discuss new ideas and learn new techniques
  • Golden Nugget sessions (2 hours) packed with tips and ideas for existing trainers who would like to build on their existing skills

We will tailor your course to your company needs and budget AND we also deliver open courses – watch out for our fliers.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list and receive free tips and ideas for trainers as well as information on open courses please click here.

We guarantee trainers will take away:

  • 10 key actions to help you design courses that are engaging and effective
  • 5 ideas on how to become an effective facilitator
  • The one key factor to help you to engage your group and keep your sessions lively
  • An amazing yet simple technique to engage your group in the first few minutes of your course
  • 5 tips to ensure you get positive feedback and effective transfer of learning
  • Techniques for engaging unwilling learners
  • A system to guarantee that you are able to measure success at the end of your training programme

As well as:

  • Opportunity to learn and practise facilitating skills
  • Opportunity to explore techniques for dealing effectively with ‘difficult’ delegates
  • Understanding accelerated learning
  • Learning to learn skills
  • Opportunity to build on theoretical knowledge
  • How to weave motivation into learning
  • Building rapport with your delegates
  • The power of positive strokes
  • How to use flexibility as a powerful learning tool
  • How to become your company training consultant

Why you will benefit from attending:

  • You will gain an abundance of ideas to help you become a top trainer
  • You will gain valuable feedback and take away your own personal development plan
  • You will be able to enhance your training skills
  • Your delegates and your company will benefit from your new skills and ideas
  • You will receive a certificate and you will gain CPD hours – Syd Strike Training Solutions is a Corporate Affiliate of the Institute for Continuing Professional Development (ICPD)

And when you attend any of our advanced train the trainer courses we give you a FREE gift - our CD ROM – 100 icebreakers (worth £50).

There are trainers and there are trainers. Take a look at the following comments by delegates following training courses by both internal and external trainers:

Positive comments

  • Captivating
  • Best course I have ever attended
  • Can’t wait to get back to work and put what I learned into practice
  • Should have been longer

NB These positive comments taken from evaluation of one of our training courses

Negative comments

  • I lost the will to live
  • Too much power point
  • Too long
  • Could have read it in a book

NB These negative comments were taken from evaluation forms following internal company training courses delivered by company trainers

Syd Strike believes that a good training plan should comprise a perfect blend of internal training and use of external training providers. Whilst not all external providers ‘hit the mark’ there is no doubt that many in company trainers receive poor end of course feedback and transfer to work is often poor. There are several causes for poor quality in company training but one clear reason is that internal trainers are not fully trained and skilled.

In uncertain times it is important for companies to have highly trained and motivated employees that get results and achieve your corporate objectives

So act now – We will be glad to advise you on the best course for your organisational needs.

“ simple game contained in it practically all the lessons that one needed about teamwork, involvement, mutuality of respect, the ability to recognise contributions, no matter where they come from, the importance of multiple skills, and the need to stay together, and produce a solution which was good enough”
Sir John Harvey Jones, Learning the Team Lesson

Click here to request further information on this course




“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”

George Bernard Shaw

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