May 2024
Issue 136

This month's theme - Coaching and Mentoring

In this Issue

For Managers: What is your leadership style?
For Trainers: Free Coaching Activity
•  Training in Action: Our most popular course
Offer of the Month: Free Leadership Behaviour Profile
The Light Touch: Motivational expressions … or not!!!
Quote of the Month: Daniel Goleman
 For Managers – What is your leadership style?

Some managers base their leadership style on the model they learned from their boss, others from a course they attended or a book they read, and many managers never think about the way they manage and lead … they just get on with it.

So, what is your leadership style?  How does your style suit the team you lead? You may want to explore six leadership styles ( adapted by Daniel Goleman and see how important it is that you don’t just boss but that you lead your team appropriately.

We support our customers by including 360 - degree feedback based on focused and inspirational leadership and emotionally intelligent behaviour as part of the management development training programmes we deliver.

This is an amazing way to learn about your leadership style and the effect you have on your team members.

If you would like to sample one of these tools do get in touch. Or if you would like to speak to one of our team about leadership styles training, please let us know. We will be happy to discuss ideas with you.


  For Trainers – Free Coaching Activity

If you deliver training sessions about coaching or facilitating you may find the coaching activity very useful … it’s fun, intriguing and very effective.

Click here to request your free training activity


  Training in Action: One of our most popular courses

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” Maimonides

We deliver this very popular course as a module in management development programmes as well as a one-day course.

It’s so much more than a course about one to ones. Our delegates explore a coaching style of leadership, facilitating skills, listening skills, coaching models, the altruistic manager, mentoring and being mentored. All of this in a module packed with discussion activity, practice and a little theory … something for every preferred learning style!

A little taster … During the course we explore "A facilitating style of leadership"

Throwing back the ball …

Telling may get you the job done but it doesn’t help people develop and grow. Facilitating, coaching and mentoring are developmental approaches to leadership.

Giving people easy answers – spoon feeding, will inevitably make people become dependent on your support. When they have a problem, they will "put the ball in your court".

A more facilitating style of leadership is about "Throwing back the ball"

This is not the same as saying ‘Don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions’ which tends only to de motivate people. A facilitating style of leadership is about communicating at the encouraging ideas and empowering end of a coaching continuum. You can of course support people, give them hints, projects or ideas but don’t do it for them or give them the answer if you truly want to help people grow.

All of these thoughts … and more are woven into our Coaching and Mentoring Module.

Want to know more?


Please ask us About:

Other topics of interest:

» A million dreams
» 10 Characteristics of Effective Leadership
» Miracles in the Workplace
» Harmony supports productivity
» What good managers do
» The Rubbish Manager



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Would you like to develop your leadership team in company?

If you would like to improve your leadership skills we are offering our leadership training package (pdf) at a special price of £99 plus VAT (Normal price £150)

Enjoy the Benefits:
» Dozens of group activities
» Individual work activities and assignments
» Extensive Power Point presentation
» Real life case studies
» Printable materials and handouts
» Designed for easy transfer of learning
» All activities can be delivered using materials from your stationery cupboard or local store
» Enough material for at least 7 days training
» Can be used for individual self learning

Don't miss out

Click here to place your order now


Subject to availability

Terms and conditions apply

Offer ends 30 June 2024




Quote of the Month


People will forget

“People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel”


The Light Touch


Thou shalt not kill

A teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds.

After explaining the commandment to honour thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, "Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?"

One little boy jumped in with an answer "Thou shall not kill."






Power to be POSITIVE




Syd Strike Training Solutions
Yarm House
2 Hawkridge Close
Stockton on Tees
TS17 0QS

Tel: (01642) 760028




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Effective coaching and mentoring




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